

Cox Lab


November 28, 2024

===== A =====

===== B =====

===== C =====

===== D =====

===== E =====

===== F =====

term definition
FDR False Discovery Rate
FTICR Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

===== G =====

===== H =====

===== I =====

term definition
iBAQ Intensity Based Absolute Quantification
ICAT Isotope-coded affinity tag
iTRAQ Isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation

===== J =====

===== K =====

===== L =====

term definition
LFQ Label-free quantification

===== M =====

term definition
MALDI Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization

===== N =====

===== O =====

===== P =====

term definition
PAGE Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PEP Posterior Error Probability

===== Q =====

===== R =====

===== S =====

term definition
SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate
SILAC stable isotope labeling by/with amino acids in cell culture
SWIFT Stored waveform inverse Fourier transform

===== T =====

term definition
TMT Tandem mass tag

===== U =====

===== V =====

===== W =====

===== X =====

===== Y =====

===== Z =====

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The glossary was created using the glossary package1


DeBruine, L. Glossary: Glossaries for markdown and quarto documents. (2023).