Column Correlations


Cox Lab


November 15, 2023

1 General

  • Type: - Matrix Processing
  • Heading: - Basic (Processing)
  • Source code: not public.

2 Brief description

Correlation coefficients are calculated between the specified columns of the matrix.

Output: A matrix containing the correlation coefficients.

3 Parameters

3.1 Type

Defines the measure of correlation that should be calculated between the selected columns (default: Pearson correlation). It can be selected from a list of correlation coefficients:

  • Log2(Absence-presence enrichment factor)
  • Absence-presence -Log10(p-value)
  • Numbers of valid pairs
  • Valid pairs percentage
  • Pearson correlation
  • -Log10(Pearson p-value)
  • -Log10(Pearson p-value) [correlation]
  • -Log10(Pearson p-value) [anti-correlation]
  • R squared
  • Spearman rank correlation
  • -Log10(Spearman p-value)
  • -Log10(Spearman p-value) [correlation]
  • -Log10(Spearman p-value) [anti-correlation]
  • Kendall rank correlation
  • Distance correlation
  • Mutual information
  • Euclidean distance
  • Manhattan distance
  • Maximum distance

3.2 Rows

Selected expression/numerical columns that will be the rows of the generated correlation matrix (default: all expression columns are selected).

3.3 Columns

Selected expression/numerical columns that will be the columns of the generated correlation matrix (default: all expression columns are selected).

4 Parameter window

Perseus pop-up window: Basic -> Column correlation