Combine rows by identifiers
- Type: - Matrix Processing
- Heading: - Basic (Processing)
- Source code: CombineByIdentifiersProcessing.cs
1 Brief description
Collapses multiple rows with same identifiers in the specified identifier column into a single row. For numeric rows it can be specified how multiple values should be summarized, e.g. by mean or median.
Output: Matrix with respective rows collapsed.
2 Parameters
2.1 ID column
Selected text column containing the IDs that are going to be clustered (default: first text column in the matrix)
2.2 Keep rows without ID
If checked, rows without ID are kept and each as a separate row (default: unchecked).
2.3 Average type for expression columns
Definition how numeric values in expression columns of clustered rows should be averaged (default: Median). The average operation can be selected from a predefined list:
- Sum
- Mean
- Median
- Maximum
- Minimum