Convert multi-numeric column
1 General
- Type: - Matrix Processing
- Heading: - Rearrange
- Source code: ConvertMultiNumeric.cs
2 Brief description
Creates for the specified multi-numeric columns a numeric column containing the result of the specified operation applied to the items in each cell of each selected multi-numeric column.
Output: If n multi-numeric columns are selected, n numeric columns will be added to the matrix.
3 Parameters
3.1 Operation
Selected operations that should be applied to multi-numeric columns to gain a numeric column with one value per row (default: no operations are selected). For each selected operation a separate numeric column is generated. The operations can be selected from a predefined list:
- Count
- Sum
- Product
- Average
- Median
3.2 Columns
Selected multi-numeric columns that will be transformed applying each of the selected operations (default: all multi-numeric columns are selected).