Expand Multi Numeric and string columns


Cox Lab


June 27, 2024

1 General

2 Brief description

Distribute multiple values per cell in a multi-numeric column over multiple rows. For each row in the original matrix there will be as many rows created as there are numbers in the cell of the multi-numeric column. If multiple multi-numeric columns are selected they have to have the same number of values in every row. Elements of text columns, if one is selected, are interpreted as semicolon-separated. They also have to have the same number of semicolon-separated elements as there are values in the cell(s) of the multi-numeric columns(s).

Output: Columns are the same. The number of rows increases due to the expansion.

3 Parameters

3.1 Multi-numeric columns

Selected multi-numeric columns that should be expanded using the procedure mentioned in the description section above (default: no columns are selected).

3.2 Text columns

Selected text columns that should be expanded using the procedure mentioned in the description section above (default: no columns are selected).

4 Parameter window

Expand multi numeric and string columns