Matching columns by name
1 General
- Type: - Matrix MultiProcessing
- Heading: - Basic (MultiProcessing)
- Source code: MatchingColumnsByName.cs
2 Brief description
Two matrices are merged by matching columns by their names.
3 Parameters
3.1 Base matrix
Specifies the matrix, whose columns are used as basis for the matching of the column names. If no matrix is selected the default value is empty, otherwise the default is the currently selected matrix. The selection can be changed by first clicking on “Base matrix” line of the pop-up window and then clicking on the matrix of choice in the middle pane.
3.2 Other matrix
Specifies the matrix, whose columns are matched to the ones of the “Base matrix”. If no matrix is selected the default value is empty, otherwise the default is the currently selected matrix. The selection can be changed by first clicking on “Other matrix” line of the pop-up window and then clicking on the matrix of choice in the middle pane.