Plug-Ins Store


Cox Lab


June 27, 2024

You can extend the functionality of Perseus by installing plugins. To install a plugin, just download the plugin .dll file, copy it into the Perseus folder and restart the software.

1 Available Plugins

Plugin Name Developer Download Source Code Compatibility
Proteomic ruler Marco Hein v. 1.6.2 gitHub Perseus 2.0.11
PluginInterop Jan Rudolph v. 1.6.15 PluginInterop Perseus 2.0.11
DependentPeptides Jan Rudolph v. 1.6.1 PluginDependentPeptides Perseus 2.0.11
PluginUpperCase Jan Rudolph v. 1.6.0 PluginUpperCase Perseus 2.0.11
PluginPhoton Jan Rudolph v. 1.0 Photon Perseus 2.0.11
PlugInMetis Dr. Hamid Hamzeiy & Daniela Ferretti v. 1.6.6 github Perseus 2.0.11

2 Developers

If you want to develop and submit your own Perseus plugin, please read our Plugin Developers’s Guide.