Un Z-Score


Cox Lab


June 27, 2024

1 General

  • Type: - Matrix Processing
  • Heading: - Normalization
  • Source code: UnZScore.cs

2 Brief description

Providing the means and standard deviations used in a z-score transformation the data is transformed back to what it was before z-scoring.

Output: Normalized expression matrix.

3 Parameters

3.1 Matrix access

Specifies whether the un-z-scoring is performed on the rows or columns (default: Rows). The selection depends on what was used before in the normalization process.

3.2 Mean

Selected numerical row/column containing the mean values that were used for the z-scoring (default: column called “Mean” or first numerical column in the matrix).

3.3 Std. dev.

Selected numerical row/column containing the standard deviation values that were used for the z-scoring (default: column called “Std.dev.” or first numerical column in the matrix).

4 Parameter window